Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fitness Update

After yesterday's 30 Day shred video...I am sore, not immovable but tender for sure, so today I walked Kona for 37 minutes and covered 2 miles. I've been using my TrailGuru iPhone app to track my route via GPS, it monitors my steps, distance and speed as well as mapping the route to post on the internet (I'm still figuring out that part though).

I feel real good today and surprisingly not very hungry, same as yesterday. In fact I had left over calories to eat last night and at the rate my hunger is today, I imagine that will be the case to. I am drinking water through out the day and I think that is satiating my hunger, or just revealing that most of the time I snacked...I was really thirsty. Go figure.

I'm also down to almost no coffee and I dropped the diet soda a while I'm trying to predominantly drink green tea, Cascade Ice(a sparkling water/juice) and water.

Simple, slow and consistent is my pace and far all things feel manageable and realistic; which is what I am shooting for...I'm down 2 pounds this week, which is right on track.


  1. Hey bro, I didn't know you were recording your fitness info. I think it is awesome that you are working out agian (this time not quite so difficult to maintain). Just wanted to throw a word of encouragement your way.


  2. Way to go on losing 2 lbs! I'm glad that what you're doing is working, and that you feel so well. Woo hoo! :)
