Saturday, February 21, 2009

Drinking water...

Getting used to drinking water throughout the day, has been one of the more difficult disciplines to put into practice. But it helps with feeling more full, reduces hunger pains, helps with getting the body flowing and enables you to discover every bathroom on every block, multiple times an hour...

I hate that.

One of the Fit4Life folks said that drinking water is like pouring water on a dry piece of first, it splatters on and off and runs over it...but as it is saturated, it eventually begins to be soaked in and up. I'm seeing that more and more and visiting the bathroom less...but I still think its a hassle.

But all the health and weight loss benefits make up for the inconvenience.


  1. This is a great picture! It actually makes me thirsty. :) I've seen this principle lived out in my own life. It really has several (if not many) spiritual applications as well. Thank you!

  2. I feel you on the bathroom breaks. I drink water throughout the day at work and go to the men's room so often people in our building must think I'm pregnant or have a pea sized bladder. It's a serious momentum killer when you have to stop what you're doing to answer the knock on your bladder door before your kidneys start making your back suffer.
