Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fitness update: 2.12.09

Did another round of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred today for my workout. I noticed a little more stamina this time, but oh my some of those exercises burn baby, especially the push ups and abs.

So far this week, I've been able to maintain my daily goals nutrition wise by staying under the level needed to burn the right amount calories for a two pound a week loss and eating clean. I had one meal that was more calories than I needed but that was dinner at a friends house and who can say no to BBQ Ribs??? Not I.

Feel good today. One cup of green tea in the morning and no headaches or mid day crashing going on. I notice my energy level rising and I have not needed to juice myself with caffeine to get through the day. Much more even energy and mood.

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