Choosing to eat colorful is a major adjustment to this bread, meat and carbohydrate prone junkie. I've never been a huge fan of vegetables or fruit...but now I am realizing its because my taste-buds have been saturated with foods that dull the natural enjoyment of taste. By being so jacked up on sugar, the nuances of flavors has been overrun by the processed stuff. Which of course is always a punch in the mouth of flavor....but its a high calorie sabotage. It offers a cheap and hollow enjoyment that ends up producing a craving monster that wants more the more you feed it.
In fact, the longer I have been on this diet reconstruction; the more I am realizing I am becoming less hungry, require less food and enjoy the flavors of foods a heck of lot more. . It's strange to me how a few simple changes have unearthed some pretty potent observations about my diet and cravings.
There are a lot of spiritual implications in this, too. Truth breeds a hunger for truth. Love breeds a hunger for love. Oh, I do so hope to be hungry for fresh and unprocessed--in the physical as well as the spiritual.