Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Doughnuts & Ice Cream for Breakfast...?

This last week I have seen a number of children walking to School eating breakfast or part of their meal at least. One girl I saw eating a Ben & Jerrys size tub of ice-cream and the next day she was eating a doughnut. This morning two young girls in Fred Meyer where purchasing their doughnuts too. I regularly see kids downing pop and "energy drinks' on the way to a day of learning and it's no wonder Teachers are stressed out, trying to manage and corral kids who are coming amped up on the sugar and caffeine!

"160 Million Americans now suffer from overweight and obesity...and epidemic that has reached nearly 70% of the entire US population. Statistics are showing that 1 out of every 2 babies born today will develop diabetes in their lifetime if things don't change." -Bill Phillips 'Transformation'

These kind of stats should waken us up to the desperate need to model a healthy lifestyle for our children. They are learning how to 'live' from us and their peers. They are being shaped by something or someone in matters regarding exercise and diet. As a parents this responsibility should motivated us more, we need to be working at providing well balanced examples of living healthy and fit.

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